
Hi everyone, I collect Rams, San Francisco Giants, Warriors, and Mavericks. If you have anything FS or FT that you think I might be interested in don't hesitate to show me.  I'll be posting trade bait soon!

I'm especially looking for Robert Quinn, Austin Pettis, Lance Kendricks, and Greg Salas cards right now!

I also enjoy shiny 90's inserts.

Here are some trades with others:

Trades with This Card is Cool and Waxaholic

Trade with Dawgbones

Lots of Mail

Trade with Napkin Doon

Trade with Manupatches and Chrome Scratches

Trade Package from Emerald City Diamond Gems

Trade With Emerald City Diamond Gems

Everything below here is trade bait!

Trade Bait: Hits

Trade Bait Part #1: Inserts!